Spontaneous Me!
Today I am daring, spontaneous, impetuous!

My daughter-in-law called me at 10 am Saturday morning.
"What'cha doing?" she asked. Well, I wasn't doing much, it was a cool, rainy morning, my house, amazingly enough, was at an acceptable level of clean, and it was too wet to finish mowing my lawn. She said she was going to go to Fort Campbell, KY to visit Nathan, my grandson, who is stationed there, would I like to go? "We're leaving about noon."
I'm a planner. I don't do spur-of-the-moment. But today! Today I am daring, spontaneous, impetuous!
"Yes," I croaked, though my chest was tight and I couldn't breathe. "Yes, I'm going!"
I packed a bag and jumped into little red car for a trip to the meeting place. But personality displacement can only go so far in one day. By the time we had hit the highway, I was asking about where she planned on staying. She didn't know yet.
Oh well, no worries, right? Being spontaneous is fun. But I didn't have anything to do so I casually started scrolling through accommodations near Fort Campbell. The hotel just inside the Fort Campbell gate was first choice, but it was already booked full, no rooms for four people and a baby. I haven't mentioned Collin and Hailey, my granddaughter, and their three-week old-baby, Oliver, were also along for the ride. The first hotel outside of the gate had two rooms available. One with a king size bed and one with two doubles. I didn't see how we could all fit in one king size bed, so I clicked 'book now' for the two doubles. After the usual circuitous run-around, I finally managed to pay. With confirmation number in hand, spontaneous, impulsive, impetuous me settled in for the rest of the trip.